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Common Foot Problems

If you require further information on a specific problem; you may find the links below useful. Clicking on the 'Learn More' button will take you through to the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrist's website to see their guidance on the identification and treatment of some common foot problems:


Ageing Feet

Your feet can change considerably as they age and may need extra care and attention.


Athletes Foot

Athletes foot is a fungal infection of the skin.  It can cause intense itching and is highly contagious.



Blisters are caused by pressure exerted on the skin.  Find out what to do in order to prevent them



A bunion is a painful, bony lump at the base of the big toe.  A chiropodist can help to alleviate the pain.



 Chilblains are small, itchy, painful, red swellings on the skin.  They commonly occur on the toes.


Corns and Callus

Corns and calluses occur on the skin where there is increased pressure between your feet and the ground or your shoes. 



Whether you need to use insulin, or simply control your diet; diabetes can affect your feet in a variety of ways.  It is critically important to check your feet regularly to prevent problems occurring.



Gout is an incredibly painful condition whereby a build up of uric acid crystals occurs within joint spaces making the   area very red, hot and tender to touch.


Heel Pain

Heel pain is a fairly common occurrence often without any visible signs.  A biomechanical evaluation is usually required to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain.


Ingrown Toenail

An ingrowing toenail occurs when a sharp piece of nail pierces the skin. The toe gets inflamed, extremely painful and may require nail surgery in extreme cases.


Sweaty Feet

Most of us will suffer from hot, sweaty feet from time to time, but sometimes the problem can be excessive.  Simple changes can make the problem easier to manage.



Verrucae are caused by a virus.  They will go of their own accord once detected by the body, but treatment may be needed to speed this process up.

Thought for the day!

​Life would be so serene and sweet;  no aching or abrasion.

If shoes were bought to fit the feet,  instead of the occasion!

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